Monday, July 29, 2013

Dreams and Goals

Knowing what to do in life can be a big challenge. I know what I want out of life. I want to be a good wife and mom. I want to tend to the home; cook, clean, bake...I want to tend to the homestead. I have these things, but things that I did prior to getting these things is causing me inner stress. Prior to getting our homestead I began school, because I was tired of living pay to pay and never accomplishing anything that we wanted. Our dream was to have land and be self sufficient, but we did not have the means to do that. Until the fateful day that we literally stumbled upon our land. Now, I am pursuing an education that is useless for me. I understand that education is never useless, and I may need it someday. I am just heartsick over the debt I caused my family due to what I thought was needed back then. I will begin to have to pay on my loans this fall. This hurts me because the point of this lifestyle is to work out of debts. So I think about what I may be able to do out of the home so that my degree is not useless. I will not feel as burdened by the debt if I am actually using it somehow. The problem is, what can I do with it at home? My AA is in business. So I suppose that selling homesteading goodies out of my home could be considered using my degree in a sense. It just isn't enough though. I have been trying for years to get my name out there to sell baked goods and it is a hit and miss thing. It is not enough to sustain us financially. So what do I do now? Do I continue schooling? Do I continue trying to find some kind of work at home opportunity? Do I keep trying to promote my baked goods? Or all of the above?  If I could supplement our income, the loan debt would not be as much of a burden, at least in my own mind. I know I need to sharpen my skills for baking. I would love to do wedding/occasion cakes from the home. I believe I have the skill, but I'm lacking in experience and proper equipment. I believe if I had the proper tools I could develop my ability and be able to make a decent living. I would also continue selling cookies, breads, etc. Another dream I have is to try my hand at wine making. I would like to be able to profit on that as well, but that is years to come as we just began our orchard. We would need to plant a lot more fruit to make it profitable. Our homesteading goals is not for profit. Our goals is to be self reliant, but if I could help us financially by using our land and abilities we would be able to stay home eventually and live the life that we have been striving for.

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