Friday, August 23, 2013

Getting to the old-fashioned life

Living in a modern world when all you want is an old-fashioned world is hard. To be able to live in a way that satisfies the soul we almost have to sell our soul to do it. We should be able to drop all the modern ways today and live as we please. I think when my children are older/out of the house that is just what I want to do. I want to drop all modern amenities and live very pioneer style! We are in the working process of making that happen. Unfortunately, obtaining this lifestyle is costly. Though, I think it's only as costly as one makes it. I believe we could survive just me and my husband by gardening, hunting and raising some chickens and bunnies, and having a dairy source. I don't believe we need much more than that especially when it's just the two of us. I want to rid ourselves of modern transportation. I would love a horse and buggy to get around. I want to rid ourselves of modern appliances, electricity, etc. The draw back is the need to have some kind of income to be able to keep a float. I am working on being able to work from home in order to maintain our homesteading desires and keep an income. The drawback of this is having the need for internet, which we will still need electricity. Of course we could invest in solar, which is something I want to do if we can find a way to make it worth it. Essentially the only outside bill we would have is internet and possibly electric. As long as we only use the electricity for our internet needs then this would not be a huge deal for me. It will be more about the will power to stay away from using the electricity for other things. It is time to really sit down and discuss these goals and desires. I believe it is possible to have what we want right now, but we are too over our head financially. We don't have the means to feed our animals we have. The goats, chickens and bunnies would be doable, but the pigs are another story. They are more costly to feed, unless we have the fields of corn, which we do not. My personal overall goal is to create true self sufficiency that is realistic. In the next 15-20 years I think we will be able to get to a place of self sufficiency if we have the right plan and mindset. During this time while we are working outside the home I want to be as debt free as possible by the time the kids are grown. But, despite whatever outside debt we have when the time comes to shut everything off then so be it. I cannot worry about any debt and let it hold us back from what we want out of life. I get so tired of living pay to pay. Not being able to pay this or that. This is supposed to be a life of  "simplicity". Yes, this is a hard work lifestyle, but its more simplistic. I want to LIVE for a LIVING. I vow to not have stress over a green piece of paper that holds us hostage daily. We will have this life and all this work we are doing now will be completely worth it in the end for us.

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